While Bailey is taking a bath and listening to the Disney channel on Pandora, I sit here with my heat pack on my lower back and counting down the minutes until I can take my muscle relaxer. I don't want to take it until Bailey goes to sleep AND I've never taken one before. I hurt my back last Friday playing volleyball. Playing volleyball. Something I've been doing since I was underhand serving at 7 years old. All I did was pass the ball, some of you know it as "bump" the ball. As soon as I passed it, I just felt amazing pain in my lower back after the ball hit on my hands. For those of you who don't know volleyball, you don't pass on the top of your thumbs. It's ideal to use your forearms, anything else is a shank waiting to happen. I immediately walked off the court and rolled around on the ground in agony. I left school and laid on a heating pad for the rest of the night. It hasn't got any better as of today, so I went to the doctor after bawling all day yesterday. The doctor started moving my legs and I started crying again. That sums up my pain level. Level 10 Doc. Write it down. They took X rays and she said my spine looks good, I'm just having severe muscle spasms. The only way she could detect a bulging disc is through an MRI and she's going to wait until I do some physical therapy. I don't believe in physical therapy. I got two shots in my hips and one of those was a steroid shot. Holy jeez, whoever invented that can die. Not only does it hurt like hell, it has made me nauseous all day. I started bawling after that too. I am a hot mess right now. I'm just praying that God makes this better, because I can't handle it. I look like an 80 year old woman when I walk, I can't even pick up my daughter, LJT is this weekend, and I'm suppose to play in a volleyball tournament next week.
The moral of this story is that I would not wish back pain on my worst enemy. There's not a whole lot of people I dislike, okay a few, but I wouldn't even wish this on them.

April 25, 2011
April 17, 2011
Team Black!
Let's play catch up!
Jerry threw me an awesome "30th" Birthday Party for my 30.25 birthday. It was exactly what I wanted on December 3rd, my actual birthday, but he made up for it on April 2nd. In fact, April 2nd is my new birthday. I'm no longer a Sagittarius. I had so much fun with my friends. The live band was amazing and I wish I could have that every Saturday night in my Blackyard. Thank you Josh and Michelle for all your work, and Kelli and Jeremy for driving from Oklahoma!

I'm singing my Wagon Wheel song.

Copperhead Road Dance

My Beautiful Cake!
Last weekend, Jerry worked hard on his 'manshed' as I call it. He built 9 trusses. What's a truss? A truss is a structure made up of one or more triangular units. He is using these trusses to make his roof. I am NOT looking forward to helping him put them up there since I am deathly aftraid of heights. While he was working on that, I was on pool duty. I drained the nasty green water, cleaned it with the big brush we have for our camper, and filled it. Bailey had a blast playing in it while it was filling up. I remember doing that as a kid. I remember my Dad putting in a new liner every other year and it was so much fun to play in the pool while it was filling up. I tried to get in there and play with Bailey before chemicals got in there, heck no! That water was too cold for me.
This weekend was great. I had been wanting to take some frivolous family photos of various places near my house. I'm really digging photography right now. My dear mother-n-law came over and just snapped away at at everything I asked her to. We took pictures on a train track and all of those pictures turned out very well. I was quite pleased. Then lucky for us the farm next to that train track let us go in, take pictures and pet all their horses. Oh yeah we got to pet two bulls that came when she called their name. They were like dogs. Dogs that wanted a treat that is. We finished up there with a lot of good photos and headed for lunch. So we went to good ol' Freds. Love that place. We finished up by going through the stockyards. I would love to start a little side job taking photos with Grammy. We could totally do it!

Grammy took the rug rat home and Jerry and I did the Warrior Dash today. The Warrior Dash is a 5K (3.24 hellish miles) with obstacles through out it. It was really fun. I think my Cowtown Marathon took every bit of energy I had out of me. I haven't worked out since then. I thought I would just 'wing' this 5k. Well, I could quickly tell my endurance level was not as high as I would like it to be. It was fun, but challenging. I'm so proud that Jerry has lost 90 pounds just exercising and eating better. Oh yeah, he stopped smoking too. He hasn't had a cigarette since the first week of October! 6 and half months! Back to his weight loss. Yeah, he still drinks plenty of beer and throws in a bad meal here and there, but he has done it the right way for once in his life. Without sounding so lame, he really made a 'life style' change. He has more energy than ever. He gets up at 4:00am to go run Monday through Friday, thank God for ear plugs. He is up to 5 miles now. He gets excited when I give him a new route to run. He eats protein bars, fruit, vegetables, and actually takes the vitamins I lay out for him. He even bought some good Asics running shoes on his own. I'm so proud of Jerry, he did so well! He finished a few minutes behind me. In fact, when I was finished, I walked over to get our bag, walked back, and started cutting the tape off my ankles and he walks up and yells, "where have you been?!" I was shocked he was already finished. My bad Lover. He felt so accomplished today after doing the Warrior Dash that he made the lady put his medal around his neck. She tried to just hand it to him and he wasn't gonna have that. He got up closer to her and leaned his head down. She placed it around it neck and he got his picture taken. That made me laugh! I just grabbed mine from her hand and wanted all that mud off me! I'm glad he had the Warrior Dash to motivate him these past few months. I told him about the 15 mile El Scorcho race this summer. He said, 'El No' or was it hell no? I can't remember.

Our results...
I got 14 out of 571 in my age division/792 out of 6801 overall, 32 flat with 10:19m Jerry got 137 out of 475 in his age division/1439 out of 6801 overall, 34:52 with 11:15m!!!!
Jerry threw me an awesome "30th" Birthday Party for my 30.25 birthday. It was exactly what I wanted on December 3rd, my actual birthday, but he made up for it on April 2nd. In fact, April 2nd is my new birthday. I'm no longer a Sagittarius. I had so much fun with my friends. The live band was amazing and I wish I could have that every Saturday night in my Blackyard. Thank you Josh and Michelle for all your work, and Kelli and Jeremy for driving from Oklahoma!
I'm singing my Wagon Wheel song.
Copperhead Road Dance
My Beautiful Cake!
Last weekend, Jerry worked hard on his 'manshed' as I call it. He built 9 trusses. What's a truss? A truss is a structure made up of one or more triangular units. He is using these trusses to make his roof. I am NOT looking forward to helping him put them up there since I am deathly aftraid of heights. While he was working on that, I was on pool duty. I drained the nasty green water, cleaned it with the big brush we have for our camper, and filled it. Bailey had a blast playing in it while it was filling up. I remember doing that as a kid. I remember my Dad putting in a new liner every other year and it was so much fun to play in the pool while it was filling up. I tried to get in there and play with Bailey before chemicals got in there, heck no! That water was too cold for me.
This weekend was great. I had been wanting to take some frivolous family photos of various places near my house. I'm really digging photography right now. My dear mother-n-law came over and just snapped away at at everything I asked her to. We took pictures on a train track and all of those pictures turned out very well. I was quite pleased. Then lucky for us the farm next to that train track let us go in, take pictures and pet all their horses. Oh yeah we got to pet two bulls that came when she called their name. They were like dogs. Dogs that wanted a treat that is. We finished up there with a lot of good photos and headed for lunch. So we went to good ol' Freds. Love that place. We finished up by going through the stockyards. I would love to start a little side job taking photos with Grammy. We could totally do it!
Grammy took the rug rat home and Jerry and I did the Warrior Dash today. The Warrior Dash is a 5K (3.24 hellish miles) with obstacles through out it. It was really fun. I think my Cowtown Marathon took every bit of energy I had out of me. I haven't worked out since then. I thought I would just 'wing' this 5k. Well, I could quickly tell my endurance level was not as high as I would like it to be. It was fun, but challenging. I'm so proud that Jerry has lost 90 pounds just exercising and eating better. Oh yeah, he stopped smoking too. He hasn't had a cigarette since the first week of October! 6 and half months! Back to his weight loss. Yeah, he still drinks plenty of beer and throws in a bad meal here and there, but he has done it the right way for once in his life. Without sounding so lame, he really made a 'life style' change. He has more energy than ever. He gets up at 4:00am to go run Monday through Friday, thank God for ear plugs. He is up to 5 miles now. He gets excited when I give him a new route to run. He eats protein bars, fruit, vegetables, and actually takes the vitamins I lay out for him. He even bought some good Asics running shoes on his own. I'm so proud of Jerry, he did so well! He finished a few minutes behind me. In fact, when I was finished, I walked over to get our bag, walked back, and started cutting the tape off my ankles and he walks up and yells, "where have you been?!" I was shocked he was already finished. My bad Lover. He felt so accomplished today after doing the Warrior Dash that he made the lady put his medal around his neck. She tried to just hand it to him and he wasn't gonna have that. He got up closer to her and leaned his head down. She placed it around it neck and he got his picture taken. That made me laugh! I just grabbed mine from her hand and wanted all that mud off me! I'm glad he had the Warrior Dash to motivate him these past few months. I told him about the 15 mile El Scorcho race this summer. He said, 'El No' or was it hell no? I can't remember.
Our results...
I got 14 out of 571 in my age division/792 out of 6801 overall, 32 flat with 10:19m Jerry got 137 out of 475 in his age division/1439 out of 6801 overall, 34:52 with 11:15m!!!!
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