March 27, 2011

Six Flags!

Last weekend, we celebrated Bailey turning 4 with a "Rapunzel Party." It really was fantastic. I was in charge of all the decorating and Jerry's mom was in charge of all the food. The kids had a great time and all the adults loved it.
Then Jerry and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary that Saturday night. We started off at Uncle Julios and much more fun after that. We had a great time. Unforunately, I decided to give my iphone away. You don't realize how dependant you are on that little device, but I quickly found out, that I am. We had an amazing dinner at Texas de Brazil. Man, that place is so good.

This weekend, I decided to take Bailey to Six Flags, since her Grammy gave us season passes for her birthday. We need something to keep us busy this summer and that gift was perfect! We had a blast. She had no idea what we were doing either. She rode the Mini Mine Train, Mine Train, the swings, the roaring rapids, the log ride twice, the sombrero, the conquistador, the antique cars, the nauseating tea cups, everything in Looney Tune Land, and sadly, the Judge Roy Scream. She told me she wanted to ride the big roller coaster, even after I told her it was really scary, she ended up being tall enough, so I thought, "what the heck, lets go!" She was scared too death!! We got off it and she said she didn't want to ride it again until she was 15 years old. Good job Momma. I felt awful.

Wow, Six Flags needs a dress code. I've never seen so many butt cheeks out of daisy dukes in all my life! There were really women wearing high heels there too. Did somebody forget to tell them they were going to an ammusement park, not a club. What's with tattoos on the neck? Why? A lot of tattoos there. I saw SO many young teenagers hanging on their boyfriend or girlfriend and it made me really sad. Sorry Bailey, you are never going there without ME and I'll be right next to you riding the rides. Man, I'm an uncool Mom! Well, after Bailey finally tuckered out on me after riding everything she could possibly ride, we went home and she slept from 6:30pm to 7:30 the next morning. SHE LOVED IT and can't wait to go back.

Jerry and I finished putting up the walls today on his manshed and it is coming along quite nicely. I can't wait for it to be complete and clean my garage out!

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